Saturday, March 29, 2008

Say It Out Loud: Journey of a Real Cowboy (book)

Written by Adam Sutton and Neil McMahon

Thanks Peter Holmes for giving me your copy of this book last year. I think it is the first edition. Sorry, it took this long for me to read it.

The book is sad although it tries to be hopeful. I know many people think that this is special because he is a cowboy--he is in a situation where men should not be sucking dicks. I guess for a person who has spent most of his life knowing what and who he is, this story is not that special. But then there are tons of gay men out there who are still very afraid to come to terms with their sexuality.

Many gay men can relate to his constant pursuit for love. I, myself, am guilty of it far too many times. Maybe, I should set down my head on the dirt and let a group of brumbies trample on it. I just never learn.

Too bad that Adam Sutton's story is far for over. He is still a young man. I think he is still in his early 30s--very near my age.

The language is very simple and the journey very easy to follow. It can be very graphic at times but sometimes, it is contrived. Oftentimes, I wonder which one is speaking: Adam (the cowboy) or Neil (the writer).

I just wish that this bloke would find his love soon. I can also wish the same for myself.

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