Sunday, March 6, 2011

Lost Dog-Lovers

I am not really sure how Steven and myself smell but it seems we attract a lot of lost dogs. All around Australia, these canines appear out of nowhere.

The first incident was at a park in Woodville, South Australia. It was a black dog that was trembling with fear. It would come to me but then as soon as it got near, it would hesitate. Unfortunately, it walked away and disappeared in the dark as most parks in Australia are not lit.

The second incident was in Queanbeyan, New South Wales. It was a slender brown dog begging food from the McDonald's restaurant. It was very tame and it actually smelled nice. A pity that we had to leave it.

A few days ago, a male Border Collie-Kelpie came to our very doorstep. He was very excited to see us and wanted to play so it was difficult getting any information from his collar. We found out that his name is Jet and he lives right around the corner from our unit. We managed to get hold of the owner but before that, Steven took a photo of me with this 13-month old cutie.

Obviously, Steven and I desperately want a dog but like I mentioned, we only live in a unit. Perhaps, in a couple of years, we will be able to purchase a house and start a small gay family.

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