Sunday, December 4, 2011

DIY flash diffuser

I have been very hesitant to take photos of night party events because I do not have the proper flash and diffuser yet. Built-in flashes are always too harsh when it comes to taking indoor photos so I have always turned them off. But if I turn them off, my photos end up being blurry because of the slower shutter speed.

Finally, I was able to read a tip from Digital Photography School website. It includes 11 DIY light alternatives and the light diffuser is one of them.
Here are the things that I used:

a white business card
a pair of scissors

On the narrow side of the card, cut flaps that are wide enough to fit the card to the sides of the built-in flash. You can bend the card upwards so that the light will be bounced to the ceiling. Voila--instant diffuser!

Here are sample photos with and without the diffuser with the same settings. Thank you Steven for agreeing to be my guinea pig!
with the diffuser

without the diffuser

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