Thursday, December 17, 2009

2009 Christmas Wishes

I am too old and too heavy to sit on Santa Claus' lap. I am not even sure if my letter would reach him because Australia Post employees are currently staging a strike.

So I will make a wish here on my blog, hoping that all the pixels will line up for these aspirations to come true.

I wish it will not take a long time for me to be registered as a teacher in South Australia. I wish I will be able to start teaching very soon so I can better contribute to the home that Steven and I are planning to build for ourselves.

I wish my partner, myself, and our families will stay healthy because it sucks to be living so far from the people we love. And I wish that our friends will still keep in touch.

I wish we will not lose our ability to appreciate the blessings that we have received. Though I may not be as financially well-off as before, I am definitely the happiest I have ever been.

1 comment:

erwin said...

merry christmas to both of you and your families.. :) see you next year :) am sure you guys will enjoy your philippine vacation :)