Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Lord of the Rings: Fellowship of the Ring (novel)

The Lord of the Rings is one of my favourite movies of all time. I have the extended editions and theatrical editions of all three movies. I have watched the movies more than ten times so when I found out that the UniSA Magill library has copies of the books, I immediately borrowed "The Fellowship of the Ring".

Tolkien is a true genius. He created a world that is totally alien and at the same time, totally familiar. He created maps of a world that fans of this book wish existed. He created creatures and characters that is rich with history and emotions.

The words are impeccable. Tolkien can weave desires and passions so intricately in the songs included in this novel. The descriptions are very scary because of the details and sometimes, I wonder if they really existed.

Of course, the novel is richer than the movie version but it is not really fair to compare because it is a different challenge to adapt this tale on the big screen. I have to say though that the relationship between Sam and Frodo is gayer in the novel than in the movie.

I read this book while going to and from the university. It is nice that I can take myself out of the bus and into a world where I can have a threesome with Legolas and Aragorn while Merry and Pippin are egging us on.

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