Monday, June 18, 2012

Horrible Winter

This South Australian ad is really disgusting. I usually look away everytime this is on TV. There are other disgusting SA ads down there as the government is far from hesitant in offending its audience.
I do not have the flu but I have a really bad cold. It is bad news because I am still a casual worker and I have to directly deal with people everyday. 

I guess I just have to make sure that I wash my hands more often than before.

I think god made a mistake when he created winter because people are less productive, moody and my damn clothes take a long time to dry.

Sunday, June 3, 2012

First Winter Shots

I have not taken landscape shots for quite a while. It has been getting colder and colder here in Australia and winter has just started.

Steven and I braved the bitter winter wind and went to a popular jetty on Henley Beach. Despite it being the weekend, there were not that many people around because it was just too cold. There were a few photographers though who were trying to do the same thing: long exposure shots.

So here are mine. I really like the 3D effect of the steady jetty amidst the moving clouds and water.